Team City Meta-Runner for TOSCA CI

In TOSCA Distributed Execution, we discussed how to integrate TOSCA Distributed Execution with Team City, which we have two steps for triggering the execution. Since we need to use them for multiple build configuration, so considering to wrap them one step with Team City Meta-Runner. The Meta-Runner can be extracted from an existing build configuration. In this case, open the build configuration to be extracted, and go to Actions -> Extract Meta-Runner, Enter or adjust values for Project, Name, ID, Description, and then click Extract button, then make changes if required.

TOSCA Distributed Execution

This exercise will try out TOSCA Distributed Execution, the benefits of using it are Supports untended execution, creates RDP connection automatically while execution Splits the execution load to multiple agent system Monitors the actual test execution with Test Event Monitor After installing the TOSCA 9.3, the Distributed execution components are under C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Testsuite\ToscaCommander\DistributedExecution Distribution Server For installing the distribution server, InstallServer.bat under DistributedExecution\Server should be executed,

TOSCA Continues Integration with Team City

After installing TOSCA 9.3, TOSCA CI related program should be under C:\Program Files (x86)\TRICENTIS\Tosca Testsuite\ToscaCommander\ToscaCI. Preparation in TOSCA work space Create a execution list folder and set attribute ContinuousIntegrationBuildRootFolder to True Create execution list with attribute ContinuousIntegration=True and a desired value for Executiontype Add test cases which you plan to execute to this execution list. TOSCA CI Client TOSCA CI professional license is required for using CI configuration file.